Английские эквиваленты терминов механики и сопромата

Эквиваленты и перевод терминов сопротивления материалов, технической и строительной механики на английском языке.

Термин (№ раздела-№ термина)

Aging. Strainaging (09-94)
Allowable stress (08-82)
Allowable stress method (11-116)
Alternate stress (08-81)
Angle of twist per unit length (07-75)
Angular frequency (15-183)
Arch (05-47)
Arch truss. Trussed arch. Arched girder. (05-48)
Asymmetric bending (07-72)
Axial force. Normal force (in bars). Longitudinal force (06-60)
Axial rigidity of bar (09-104)
Axial tension (compression) (07-66)
Axis of beam (05-41)

Bar (05-38)
Beam supported of both ends. Simply supported beаm. Simple beam (05-43)
Beam. Bar (05-36)
Beam. Girder (05-40)
Bending (07-69)
Bending moment (06-62)
Bending of а plate to а cylindrical surface (12-132)
Buckling. Warping. Lateral swelling. Side-swelling bulging (12-142)

Calculation of endurance (11-120)
Calculation of stability (11-119)
Cantilever beam. Cаntilever girder. Beam with overhanging ends (05-45)
Cantilever. Overhang. Overhanging-end. Console. Bracket (05-44)
Centrifugal moment of inertia of area (10-113)
Coefficient of thermal expansion (09-107)
Combined stresses (07-73)
Concentrated load (02-6)
Conditional yield strength (09-88)
Continuous beam (05-46)
Continuous load (02-9)
Core of а cross-section. Core of section (06-65)
Creep. Yield (09-91)
Critical load (02-19)
Critical speed (15-176)
Cross section (05-42)
Cylindrical shell. Barrel vault (13-152)

Damping coefficient (15-173)
Damping decrement (15-174)
Dead load. Fixed load. Permanent load (02-10)
Deflection limit method. Calculation of rigidity (11-118)
Deformation equations. Fundamental equations (11-126)
Degree of freedom (15-170)
Diaphragm (13-153)
Distributed load. Continuous load (02-7)
Dynamic load (02-14)

Edge. End beam (13-154)

Edge-effect (13-161)
Elastic deformation (07-76)
Elastic section modulus (10-114)
Elastic stress (09-86)
Endurance limit (09-90)
Equivalent stress (08-84)

First moments of area (10-110)
Fixed еnd (04-29)
Flat bending (07-70)
Flexibleplate (12-128)
Flexural rigidity (09-106)
Flexural rigidity of а plate (12-135)
Folded system (13-146)
Follower load (02-17)
Forced vibrations. Const-rained vibrations (15-178)
Frame (05-56)
Framework. Truss. Girder (05-51)
Free vibrations (15-177)
Freely supported end. Simply supported end (04-31)
Frequency of normal vibrations (15-181)

General theory of shells (13-159)

Half-momeat theory (13-160)
Hinge joint. Pin joint (05-58)
Hingeless arch. Rigid arch. Fixed ended arch. Built-in arch (05-49)

Impact forces (15-175)
Influence line (11-123)
Instability of equilibrium (14-167)
Intensity of distributed load. Intensity of load (02-8)
Invariable system. Stable system (03-21)

Joint connection. Joint (05-57)

Limiting stress (09-95)
Line of fracture (12-141)
Live load. Varying load (02-11)

Massif (05-37)
Material with mеmогу. Неreditary. Heredity (09-93)
Membrane theory of shells (13-158)
Method of forces. Compatibility method (11-124)
Middle surface of а plate. Middle surface (12-130)
Middle surface of а shell (13-144)
Mode of normal vibrations (15-179)
Modulus of elasticity (09-100)
Modulus of rigidity. Shear modulus of elastisity (09-101)
Moment of inertia of area (10-111)
Moving load. Travelling load. Rolling load. Live load (02-12)

Neutral equilibrium. Indifferent equilihrium (14-166)
Normal frequency spectrum (15-182)
Normal stress (08-79)
Normal vibrations (15-180)

Orthotropiс plate (12-140)

Percent elongation (09-97)
Percent reduction in area (09-98)
Plane system. Coplanar system (03-22)
Plane truss. Plane framework (05-52)
Plastic (residual) deformation (07-77)
Plate with simply supported edges (12-133)
Plate. Slab. Flat slab (12-127)
Pneumatic shell (13-150)
Poisson’s ratio (09-99)
Polar moment of inertia of area (10-112)
Polar section modulus (10-115)
Potential energy (09-108)
Primary system (11-121)
Principal stress (08-83)
Proportional limit (09-85)

Reduced buckling length. Modified length. Free length (14-162)
Relaxation (09-92)
Repeated-fluctuating load (02-15)
Resonance (15-184)
Ribbed plate. Stiffened plate (12-129)
Ribbed shell (13-148)
Rigid joint. Stiff joint (05-59)
Rod bracing tie. Joining beam (05-50)
Roller bearing (04-32)
Rе1ахеd modulus of elasticity. Longitudinal modulus of elasticity (09-103)

Sag. Slack. Use of shell. Height of shell (13-156)
Sandwichtype shell. Multilayered shell. Shell of Many layers (13-149)
Self-excited vibrations (15-171)
Shaft (05-39)
Shallow shell (13-147)
Shear force. Shearing force. Transverce force (in bars). Lateral force (06-61)
Shear. Cut (07-67)
Shearing force (normal force, bending moment) diagram (06-64)
Shearing stress (08-80)
Shell of the positive (negative, zero) Gaussian curvature. Gaussian curvature. Shell of positive (negative, zero) curvatures of Gauss (13-145)
Shell. Thin shell. Thin slab (13-143)
Slenderness ratio. Flexibility. Slenderness (14-163)
Slope-deflection method. Deformation method (11-125)
Soft shell (13-151)
Space system (03-23)
Space truss. Space framework (05-53)
Span (13-155)
Stability (01-5)
Stable equilibrium (14-164)
Statical load. Static load (02-13)
Statically determinate sуstem (03-24)
Statically indeterminate system. Hyperstatic system (03-25)
Stationary сгеер (09-96)
Stiffness. Rigidity (01-4)
Straight bending (07-71)
Strain (07-74)
Strain energy method (14-169)
Strength of materials. Mechanics of materials (01-1)
Strength. Durability (01-3)
Stress (08-78)
Support (04-28)
Supported bar (04-33)
Suspended truss. Suspension girder (05-55)
Symmetrical bending of а circular plate (12-131)

Theory of structures. Аnаlysis of structures. Structural mechanics (01-2)
Thickness of the shell (13-157)
Thrust. Horizontаl thrust (04-35)
Torque moment. Torque. Twisting moment. Torsional moment (06-63)
Torsion (07-68)
Torsion rigidity of bar (09-105)
Total potential energy (mechanical) (09-109)
Transient buckling (14-168)
Truss girder. Girder (05-54)

Ultimate load carrying capacity. Holding power (02-18)
Ultimate load method (11-117)
Ultimate strength (stress). Breaking stress (09-89)
Unfavourable (position of) load (02-16)
Unrelaxed modulus. Instanteneous modulus of elasticity (09-102)
Unstable equilibrium (14-165)

Vibration of system with variable characteristics (15-172)

Yield strength (stress). Stress of fluidity (09-87)
Yielding support (04-34)

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